How is dental fillings or composite bonding done?
The procedure for dental filling and composite bonding is a virtually painless and rarely requires any anaesthesia. The whole treatment is normally done in just one visit.
Your dentist examines your teeth for these defects. X-rays may be recommended to check on the exact location and extent of the damage. Thereafter, your dentist discusses with you which restorative option is best suited to fix the concern areas.
If there is a cavitiy of the extend of tooth concern is minor, simple dental filling or compoite bonding may be done. However, there is more significant damaged, your dentist may recommend other options.
For dental fillings, the decay is removed. Composite resin material is added into the removed tooth structure. A light is then placed to harden the composite fillings.
For dental bonding, the same procedure follows whereby your dentist shapes the tooth area and applies composite materials. Light cures the tooth bonding securely.
Your teeth is polished and checked for any required adjustments.